Year 9 Co-ordinators
Year 9 Co-ordinators
Mr Trent Mitchell - tmitchell@erc.nsw.edu.au
Mr Ben Bourke - bbourke@erc.nsw.edu.au
Year Coordinator’s & Assistant’s Role
Year Coordinator’s & Assistant’s Role
- Make the transition to College as smooth as possible
- Ensuring that every student in our cohort feels safe and happy at school - this is when student engagement and learning is at its optimal level.
- Support every student.
- Oversee the day to day smooth running of the cohort
- Provide directions and boundaries regarding College expectations
- Open communication with parents / carers
Homeroom Teachers
Homeroom Teachers
D2 Mr James Clarke
D3 Mrs Diane Schodder
D4 Mr Andrew Marsh
D5 Mr Liam O'Dea
D6 Mr Mario Bonaccorso
D7 Mr Steven Sudnerland
D8 Mr Daniel Breeze
D9 Mr Stuart Buchanan